Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Should I Sign Up For It?

I found the webpage of one utama rock climbing. I always want to learn this. It looks so tough but I would take on the challenge. But the thing is One Utama is so far away from my house and the basic course requires one hour per day. The cost of the course is RM 48 for the entire thing. Seems a pretty good deal.

Gonna think hard about this.



Anonymous said...

Going every day when you first start is not a good idea. Go once a week until your seccond or third time than go more times a week. I takes time for your hands to toughen up, and once you tear a callus or get a blister (which WILL happen) it will hurt and you won't climb as well until you heal. Once your hands get rougher it is easy to go more often but I usually only go 4 or 5 times a week.


Anonymous said...

this is movement in boulder, CO. I climb here.