Monday, June 4, 2012

Exam Coming

Hi I'm back!

I admit. I do have peer pressures a lot whenever my friends update their blogs. I guess I can be competitive most of the time. Peer pressure is basically in short explanation to be a kiasu. Whenever someone else have something new, and usually I would think I want that. 

As you can see my title for this post. Exam is coming. How I wish sometimes I can be very kiasu in my studies and exam. I'm not saying kiasu is good, but being kiasu makes you have the strong will power and desire to do something. I can be very kiasu in other stuff but why not exam and studies? 

Been feeling super guilty for not putting enough effort in my studies. Sometimes can be quite saddening. Well now I'm taking a break from studies. I will just try really hard on my exams I guess. 

What really happen to my fire burning I wonder? 

Status Report: 
Management: Steady
Accounts: Steady
Building Construction: Steady
Microeconomics: SCARED LIKE SHIT! 

5 more days to exam! Can't wait to go back Malaysia (24th July 2012!) 
