Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Tired Week

I'm so so tired right now. Been such a bad week. Everything seems like is not going well. My friends around me are going through a rough time and I feel really sad for them. Because somehow inside my heart I feel this is so unfair for them. At the same time, all of us are stressing about our studies, because exam is coming. And some of us are also been bother by the fact that we have to apply for accommodation that includes me. I'm also currently feeling so sick. Even though I'm just having flu and sore throat but is quite disturbing at the same time. The main point is that I'm so stress until one point that I just wanna give up everything and why should I care anymore? But then there are so many incidents happening around me right now, and I feel is not the right time to be down and get defeated right now. There are a lot of things I still wanna help out my family, friends and my love ones.

I shall give myself a break for awhile then continue to charge on!


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