Sunday, May 6, 2012


Hi! Ever since I'm here, Brisbane. My sweet tooth just keep popping out. Nowadays I can eat one whole bar of chocolate within one day or eat one whole junk of ice cream within 2 days. Maybe is because I keep thinking of new food to try on especially dessert or I'm stressing. At least now I'm alert and concern about this. I will control and resist like those days in Malaysia. My family background is famous for having diabetes, so sugar level must be balance. 

I feel so relieved and relaxed right now. These past few weeks, I had been eating stuff that is totally unhealthy such as noodle late night, fried chicken late night and no vegetables and no fruits. Is also because of exams and assignments. I couldn't care less at that time. I just eat what I can see. Pathetic huh? Now I'm fully charged, no longer tired any more.   


If you follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You will know I just past through an unforgettable event, AUG. This is my first time volunteering for something this big. My heart will pump faster whenever my supervisor give me any kind of task because I have no experienced in this! On the last day of the big event which was last Friday. I was assigned to be in this group of people to do Marketing for the event. There will be 3 teams of Marketing competing for the incentives. Neither do I don't know what is the incentives. Anyway, my team mates are just the funniest people I worked with. We are the winner Marketing team! :) I was practically shocked because most of the time we were really taking pictures around and playing around. Well of course if it was because of our leader in the group, we wouldn't achieved something great. Now I feel like going back to Volunteer but sometimes in life doing something once with nice experience is enough. Must look forward to the future with dreams and vision, not look back on mistakes and live right there. Also, I finally got the UQ red bottle! Is so nice until almost everyone in AUG fighting for it! Now I can use it in Gym. 

Other than that, I went for UQMSA aka the Malaysian Society Club Interview Workshop. It was very inspiring and motivating. I learned what you can do in interviews and what you are not suppose to do in interviews. Very Practical. That's what I like to learn by doing it and experiencing it yourself. The most epic moment was the speaker kept calling me 'The Real Estate Boy', just because I'm the only one who is studying that field in the whole club. Oh come on! I realized a big thing in me. That I'm too shy and not active enough. In A-levels, my life was like studying, hang out and then go back to studying. Now come to think of it, that is way too plain in life. I'm gonna aim really high right now. Starting next sem you will see a new me! (a Hint: I'm gonna be a committee of UQMSA) If you don't aim high, you will not be even close to your dream. So start now people!   

I can't wait for tonight movie! Avengers with my room mates! Excited! Right now, I'm gonna do some of my work and go for the Buddha Festival then movie night!  

Exam timetable is a bitch. It just doesn't want to show me. I'm trying to book my flight ticket UQ! -.- I hope one day I will have really good friends that I can really count on in Brisbane. I just need a few, don't need a lot. 

Till Next! 


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